Victims and Restorative Justice


As a victim of crime you have the right to be heard.

The Restorative Justice Team has designated Victim Workers who will contact victims of crime committed by young people and update the victims with progress and outcomes.


You are given the opportunity to tell us how you have been affected by the offence and explore any questions or feedback you wish for us to take forward.


Any contact you have with us is your choice and designed to benefit you.


The ways the YOS can work with you could include:


  • Information on the offender’s sentence
  • Update on any relevant information including release dates, if a custodial sentence was imposed
  • An opportunity to voice any concerns you have with the goal of keeping you as safe as possible
  • To take part in Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice is a process that brings those people affected by an offence, and those responsible for the harm, into communication. This enables everyone affected by a particular incident to have a say on how to repair the harm caused and to find an effective way forward.

This might take the form of:


  • Communicating with the young person on your behalf
  • A letter of apology
  • A letter of explanation
  • A face to face meeting
  • Work carried out by the young person in the community


Restorative Justice is a voluntary process on the part of all those involved, anything we do will always be with your permission. Meetings will take place only if both parties agree.

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Court orders

When a child or young person either admits an offence, or is found guilty after trial, the Court will impose a sentence.

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