Young people and families

Going to court

Young people who have to go to Court usually go to a special type of Magistrates called the Youth Court.  There isn’t a Jury in a Youth Court – there will either be three Magistrates or a District Judge who will decide the case and what will happen, such as what sentence to pass.

If the offence is serious, a child or young person might have to go to the Crown Court.  Here there is a Jury who will decide the case if there is a trial.  A Judge will then decide what happens next, such as what sentence to impose.

When a child or young person either pleads guilty or is found guilty, the Court will often ask for a Pre-Sentence Report to help them decide what sentence to make.  When this happens, NYOS will allocate a worker to make the assessment and write the report.

Stay Connected Newsletter

Stay Connected Newsletter – This newsletter focuses on the work of partner agencies, the voluntary sector and social enterprises which support children, young people and families.

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The YOS Education, Training and Employment (ETE) Team work to help children and young people reduce offending and reoffending.

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